The pressures of life place a great deal of pressure on the man. As a result, men’s health can suffer greatly from the constant pressure of everyday life.
redcoal's Articles In Health & Medicine
August 15, 2008 by redcoal
This article sheds light on just how important men’s health is to this generation. The pressures of life place a great deal of pressure on the man. As a result, men’s health can suffer greatly from the constant pressure of everyday life. Weight Gain I’m sure you’ve noticed that spare tire around the waistline growing larger every year. As men we are pre disposed to have bodies that accumulates fat around the mid section. As we age, both men and women alike have...
August 24, 2008 by redcoal
A study of Vietnam war veterans who suffered brain injuries during the conflict has found that the men show a faster decline in their cognitive functioning as they grow older than veterans without such injuries. When the researchers looked at the size and position of the brain injury they found that the size (measured as total volume loss by a CT scan) was associated with a decline in intelligence in the earlier phases of the study, and if the left ventricle and right frontal regions of the b...
October 25, 2008 by redcoal
Breast cancer isn't a woman's disease any longer, it may occur in men. Male breast cancer is a very rare condition, accounting for only about 1% of all breast cancers. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2008, about 1,990 new cases of breast cancer in men will be diagnosed, and that breast cancer will cause approximately 480 deaths in men. What is male breast cancer? Men also have breast tissue (breast tissue that cannot produce milk) that can undergo cancerous changes. While...
September 13, 2008 by redcoal
When discussing the effects of transnational migration and global cities being built and run on the "backs" of those less fortunate immigrants (many times illegally), this influx of various individuals and their ability to pass through to urban, global areas and then back to their local areas, which has caused different levels of contact between communities, has also fed, especially in the region of South Africa, into the increased spread of various diseases and especially HIV.   Peop...
September 4, 2008 by redcoal
Low levels of LDL cholesterol as well as high levels are associated with cancer in patients with type 2 diabetes, found a prospective cohort study published in CMAJ. Researchers from the Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences and The Chinese University of Hong Kong conducted a study of 6107 Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes and found a V-shaped risk relation between LDL cholesterol and cancer in patients not receiving statin therapy. ...
September 1, 2008 by redcoal
According to a new study at University of Leicester, men are more prone to - and likely to die of - heart disease compared with women of a similar age - and sex hormones are to blame. The findings of a study by Dr Maciej Tomaszewski, New Blood Lecturer in Cardiovascular Medicine in the Department of Cardiovascular Sciences at the University of Leicester, suggest that this "male disadvantage" may be related to the sex-specific effects of naturally occurring sex hormones. The research by Dr To...
October 29, 2008 by redcoal
The recent study at Sydney IVF clinic , Australia, found that male fertility begins to decline when they reach their mid-30s, suggesting that biological clocks are found in men as well as women. So, if you thought only women witness a fall in their fertility levels after reaching late thirties or early forties, you certainly need a rethink. This study suggests that a similar biological fertility clock is also found in men.. "Drops in fertility from the age of 35 have been traditionally t...
October 13, 2008 by redcoal
All men are at risk for developing prostate cancer as statistics show that about one man in six will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. The good news is, prostate cancer is a slow developing disease, so only one man in 34 will die of it. This quiz aims to help you to learn about what can affect your risk of developing prostate cancer. Besides being male, researchers have found several factors that may change the risk of getting it such as such as age, race, and family...
August 22, 2008 by redcoal
Plans are in the pipeline to raise awareness of health issues which affect men in particular. The Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon says the government has set in motion plans for the development of Australia's first health policy for men based on a draft document developed in 1996. The Health Minister says a discussion paper followed by consultations across the country over the next 12 months, will raise awareness of preventable problems and specific health challenges which men need to...